Expert Detailed History
The allergy specialist uses a background of extensive training, experience and research to ask detailed questions and recognize important clues about the possible causes of the problem. This includes the timing and pattern of symptoms, the types of exposures and other related conditions, and the family history.
Allergy Skin Tests
Skin tests using purified solutions are used to identify the exact type of allergy and strength of allergy to indoor and outdoor allergens, foods, stinging insect venoms, and some medications. A positive allergy test shows as an itchy bump within 20 minutes.
Allergy Patch Tests
Patch tests are used to identify sensitivities to chemical contact allergens such as those in soaps, lotions, fragrances, metal, or rubber. Large patches that contain many contact allergens are applied to the back for 48 hours before being removed to see if there are any itchy bumps showing an allergic sensitivity reaction.
Spirometry Lung Function Tests
Breathing tests are important to diagnose and monitor asthma. Spirometry measures whether there is any narrowing or blockage of air flow in the bronchial tubes. These measurements can be compared before and after a medicated breathing treatment, or before and after exercise, to give more information about asthma.
Exhaled Nitric Oxide
The level of eNO in the breath reflects the level of inflammation in the airways, and is useful to diagnose and monitor asthma and to help get the best control with the least amount of medication.
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